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Our Services

Your Trusted Partner for Business

Services We Offer!

Background Investigation

This involves cultivating a profound comprehension of the debtor, encompassing their business structure, ownership, and workforce. We delve into their size, tenure in the industry, and business performance. Additionally, we scrutinize the backgrounds of owners, managers, and employees where relevant. The debt collector leverages this valuable insight to formulate a tailored strategy and engage in negotiations with the debtor.JACKSON CONSULTING LLC

Payment Plans

Most large commercial collections require negotiated payment plans, often with weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly installments. We ensure these plans are well-documented and automated, reducing the need for constant follow-ups. While we aim for immediate full payment, structured plans remain a practical alternative to non-payment or legal action, always subject to client approval.

Credit Analysis

Most debt collection claims stem from the debtor’s financial challenges. We make it a priority to gain insights into both the owner’s personal financial situation and the company’s financial standing. This knowledge is instrumental in shaping our negotiation strategy and achieving successful outcomes.

Collection Litigation

If we’re unable to reach a voluntary resolution, our extensive network of nationwide debt collection attorneys steps in on a contingency basis. We only advise legal action when we’re highly confident of a substantial return on investment. Any litigation requires written approval from our clients.

Settlement Agreements

Occasionally, disputes may lead to our clients accepting a reduced amount to settle claims. In other cases, debtors with limited resources facing multiple vendor debts may consider long-term payment plans. However, there’s a risk of the debtor going out of business. In such cases, we may negotiate a discounted, immediate settlement agreement, subject to written client approval.

Resource Center

At JACKSON CONSULTING LLC, we take pride in offering the world’s most extensive free resource center for credit professionals. Our resource center encompasses advice on a multitude of topics, a wealth of free eBooks and videos, and comprehensive lists of reputable service providers. These providers cover various needs, such as credit reports, asset and skip tracing, training and consulting services, and a wide array of websites offering both free and subscription-based content.


The First Step Is Yours. Let's Get Started!

With over a decade of experience and competitive rates, our seasoned debt collectors at Jackson Consulting LLC ensure effective debt recovery. Our funding programs empower small businesses to expand and thrive. Let’s discuss how we can help your business today!